Sunday, May 1, 2011

Graphic Novel Comparison

Text and Dialogue

Balloons - Pinocchio - plain round speech balloons
                Naruto - round for regular speech, and jagged for more emotional speaking
Caption - Pinocchio - used for some narration
                Naruto - used for chapter changes
Emanata - Pinocchio - used in vampire deaths
                Naruto - used frequently to represent action, such as in the fight scenes
Labels and Signs - Pinocchio - none
                             Naruto - very few
Lettering - Pinocchio - stays same throughout
                 Naruto - changes same as balloons, different for regular speech and excited speech
Sound Effects - Pinocchio - used in the fight scenes
                         Naruto - used throughout story for almost every action that takes place

Visual Effects

Characters - Pinocchio - lots of shadows with thick dark lines
                    Naruto - lightly drawn to give the idea of movements
Objects - Pinocchio - not much detail
                Naruto - very detailed much like the characters
Icons- Pinocchio - his nose
          Naruto - his headband
Scenery - Pinocchio - very dark
                Naruto - realistic and detailed
Depicted Action - Pinocchio - simple only one or two frames but still intricate
                            Naruto - more in-depth with close-ups and far shots
Borders - Pinocchio - thin and black, crooked
               Naruto - thin and black
Gutters - Pinocchio - black or white
              Naruto - white some narrow and some thick
Panels - Pinocchio - many different sizes
             Naruto - many different sizes
Open Panels - Pinocchio - mostly used in emotional scenes
                       Naruto - action scenes
Splash - Pinocchio - exciting scenes
              Naruto - epic battle scenes and title pages

Angles and Frames

Bleed - Pinocchio - only on full page splashes
            Naruto - done quite frequently
Close-up - Pinocchio - vampires dying
                  Naruto - fight scenes mostly
Headshot - Pinocchio - when one character is speaking
                  Naruto - when one character is speaking or to show emotion
Head-shoulder shot - Pinocchio - dialogue
                                 Naruto - dialogue and emotions
Full-figure shot - Pinocchio - more than one character in frame
                          Naruto - more than one character in frame
Long shot - Pinocchio - used to move story along
                   Naruto - display setting
Extreme long shot - Pinocchio - none
                              Naruto - used for exaggeration
Reverse - Pinocchio - tense scenes with high emotion
                Naruto - tense scenes with high emotion

Rhetorical Techniques Applied in Texts, Visuals, and Design

Exaggeration - Pinocchio - his emotions through shadows and heavy lines
                       Naruto - playfulness of Naruto and the fighting
Empathy/Identification - Pinocchio - loss of loved one
                                     Naruto - loneliness
Mood/Tone - Pinocchio - dark and tense
                      Naruto - light and fun
Simplicity/Complexity - Pinocchio - simple story line done in a complex way
                                    Naruto - complex, but maybe just because I found it difficult to read sometimes
Irony/Satire - Pinocchio - well-known children's character used in violent story
                     Naruto - he is looked down upon, but turns out to be great
Realism/Icons/Symbolism - Pinocchio - not very realistic although I consider Pinocchio to be kind of an icon
                                          Naruto - hardships of growing up realistic and symbolic
Order/Disorder - Pinocchio - seeks order through disorder
                           Naruto - seeks order through disorder
Juxtaposition - Pinocchio - good versus evil
                       Naruto - what people see in Naruto versus what he actually is
Relationships - Pinocchio - fighting for the relationship he lost
                       Naruto - feels the need to prove himself in order to gain relationships
Point of View - Pinocchio - 3rd person
                        Naruto - 3rd person

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