Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chapter 9 Vocabulary: Finding Out What Words Mean

The title really says it all. If you don't know what a word means good luck figuring out the sentence or in a bigger picture the book.  Part of reading is to develop our vocabulary, the more words we know the easier it is to convey exactly what we are thinking.  So what do we do, each week assign a new list of words for the students to learn and then give them a test on the words and they either learn them or they don't.  Well it turns out there is actually a lot more to it then that.  The chapter gives you eight different suggestions to help with the learning of vocabulary.  Students must understand the importance of vocabulary and the part it plays in everyday life.  Even as I sit here and write this blog I am trying to think of varied word choices to sound less repetitive and in turn more intelligent.  The words don't need to be bigger or more complicated just specific.  The more closely a word identifies your main ideas the better.
Along with each suggestion the chapter also gives you a lesson on how to implement the suggestion into your classroom.  It cannot be stressed enough how helpful this book will be when I am actually in a teaching environment.


  1. Vocabulary is very important, and I think it will be kind of hard to implement new vocabulary into our lessons. I feel that I know a vast array of different word choices and vocabulary, but at the same time, I am wondering how we are going to know what words they already know and which ones they don't know yet. I also agree with you on how important this text will be. I normally dread reading text books in class, but this one is great. It actually tells us what the problem is and how to fix it through a variety of ways.

  2. I am glad you think this book will help you in your teaching.
